club HERO

You in the next dimension.

Get the lowdown from Cate


CLUB HERO takes your life to the next level. Your intuition attunes to purpose. Your leadership gets grounded in embodiment. Your ambition scales as your positive impact soars.

You are already thriving.

You want to be with people ahead of you to build your momentum.

You want to invest in you.

Your body.

Your relationships.

Your leadership.

Your investments.

You know the best strategy and tools make all the difference.

You want holistic integration in every aspect of your life to unlock the next dimension. You’re curious.

You resonate with Cate.

You’re ready to play with us.

CLUB HERO is a 12 month mastermind that trains you to vision, strategy and strategic planning. You have holistic life goals. You know you need to be around the right people, who have the right tools, skills and mindset.

You want momentum. You want a mastermind that knows YOU. You want access to coaching. You want a community that goes where you can't get alone.

Talk to cate

WHo is a fit to play with us?

  1. You wish you had more time or integrity to unplug and realign your life to your next ideal schedule, next purpose, next habits, next reality
  2. You want powerful, growth-focused relationships
  3. You want to actively, maybe even aggressively grow your career or your company, your relationships, and your investments
  4. You desire a holistic strategic approach to making bigger things happen now
  5. You want to relax and stretch, like a cat, into become someone you haven’t become yet
  6. You know you need to invest in you. You’re curious who gathers around Cate’s leadership in Club Hero. You want to experience intimate, collaborative leadership in a true mastermind.
  7. You want to experience a higher order that comes from next-level integrity with your focus, your time, your investments, and your habits.
  8. You want to leverage your assets and unique genius to design your future.
  9. You want the skills, tools, and structures to reach goals with the people in your life (partners, teams, family)

If this resonates... talk to Cate.

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What we do

We guide you into your unique integrated holistic life goals. You drop into integrity with who you are, who you are becoming next, and what skills, tools, people, and mindset is required for your next evolution. You lead your career and your life lwith enlightened integrity and skill.

What happens

You mastermind with Cate + in an intimate setting with club hero members to optimize your health, your time, your freedom, your investments, and your impact.

What becomes possible

With our tools, thinking strategy and club structures you solve problems, plan quarterly, and achieve with new levels of capacity and capability. Bigger goals come into vision. You experience what is beyond your old normal.

CLUB HERO is a network where members align towards thrive, purpose, connection, achievement, investment, impact.

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Our method is to activate collaborative intellligence using dynamic club structures. The result? Our members generate a web of interconnected wisdom that accelerates members reaching goals.

Acess the live events, tools, community, coaching, accountability, and support to get where you want to go next, and be who you want to become.

CLUB THRIVE is included for CLUB HERO members.

members perspectives




1. entrepreneurs

I started as the YOGAHEALER in 2001... leading the future of Ayurveda, biohacker conversation. We press on today thrilled by advances in science confirming and revealing new aspects of ancient wisdom.

2. corporate climbers

We are a take life by the horns and surrender to the goddess kind of club. We do both - activate dynamic business strategy into personal, family and team goals to drive a better experience towards aweinspiring results. Learn structures for investment and impact back on your unique abilities, network and opportunities.

3. enligtened retirees

We activate our elders to rise up, take the throne of their domain, and channel wisdom into communities, while exploring the subtle sapience of senority.

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Talk to cate

4. non-profit leaders

If you're leading an organization or a team, CLUB HERO integrates cutting-edge structures to activate collaborative intelligence. You'll get your organization and your personal life on target on time.

As you build your capacity to thrive, vision, strat-plan and grow, you enter a higher order of living. Simplicity expands. You have more, need less, love your life, love your core people, while experiencing body thrive.

CLUB THRIVE is InCluded!

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First, get on the list.

Uplevel Your Life

For you to find out the return on investment from being in CLUB HERO, while you're on the waitlist, you put down a refundable deposit of $197 to get access to Cate's crash course - UPLEVEL YOUR LIFE - to nail down what your UPLEVEL is... and what the value of your uplevel is. Then, we'll know exactly what you would do with us in CLUB HERO.

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As part of the UPLEVEL YOUR LIFE, you'll have a qualifying interview. Bring your goals, your challenges, your potential. We'll see if we're a fit.


Nov. 2022





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I grew Yogahealer to close to 2M in annual revenue, before pivoting to the CLUB model. I write books. I run teams. I lead by example. I live the habits.

I mastermind with my members. CLUB HERO is our pinnacle experience, with a 12 month commitment, because we know what works for those who want to belong to a CLUB of Heros.

At CLUB HERO, we are in it for impact, for a seat at the card game of life, paying full attention to an amazing NOW and future EVEN better.

We make bigger things happen from deep integrity, flow, and embodied leadership.

We are the hardcore, collaborative mastermind within CLUB THRIVE.

Prime your purpose.

Unlock primal energy.

Focus your Vision.

Unleash your potential.

Talk to cate